Homeopathic Mnemonics


A =After business embarrassments: unable to sleep.
M =Melancholia: great sadness, sits for days weeping.
B =Bluish = white mucous in leucorrhoea.
R =Reading aloud causes coughing.
A =Anxious from ineffectual desire: the presence of others, even the nurse, is unbearable during stool.


A =Anxious: suspects some one is pursuing.
N =Nervous headache of sedentary persons.
A =All gone sensation in the stomach.
C =Confused by two wills.
A =Apt to choke when eating and drinking.
R =Rectum seems powerless: as if plugged-up.
D =Desire for stool, but ceases with the effort.
I =Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
U =Unfit for business: loss of memory.
M = Memory loss.

usiness embarrassments: unable to sleep.
M =Melancholia: great sadness, sits for days weeping.
B =Bluish = white mucous in leucorrhoea.
R =Reading aloud causes coughing.
A =Anxious from ineffectual desire: the presence of others, even the nurse, is unbearable during stool.

A = Aconite of chronic diseases.
L = Leucorrhoea: Acrid and profuse.
U = Undigestible things desire.
M = Menstruation exhausts mentally and physically.
I = Inactivity of rectum: constipation.
N = New moon, full moon aggravation.
A= All irritating things produces cough.


A = Aversion to bathing.
M = Must breathe through mouth : 'snuffles'.
M = Menses : with toothache, colic and sadness.
O = Ozaena : blowing bloody mucus from the nose frequently.
N = Nose bleed when washing the face
I = Ill-humoured during wet stormy weather.
U = Ulceration tends to gangrene
M = membrane (diphtheric ) formation which obstructs the respiration.

C = Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.
A = Adapted to haemorrhagic diathesis: fluid blood and degeneration of RBCs
R = Right sided medicine.
B = Body red as if from scarlatina.


A = Absent minded.
G = Gonorrhoeal history: it's bad effects.
N = Nervous debility: neurasthenia.
U = Undue old-age: premature.
S = Smells: imaginary.

C = Complete impotency.
A = Apathy: adapted to lymphatic constitution.
S = Suppression of milk.
T = Thirstlessness. (Ref. Lippe).
U = Unmarried persons: old-sinners.
S = Sadness; says she will die.


A-Adapted to children who can not bear milk.
E-Expression of pain & anxiety with well marked linea nasalia.
H-Herpetic eruption on end of the nose.
U-Unable to hold up the head, prostration with sleepiness.
S-Spasm with clenched thumb & eyes turned downwards.
A-Agg. after eating & drinking, after stool,after vomiting.See more


T-- Tall,slim,narrow-chested.
U-- Upper lip swollen
B-- Boils on nose
E-- Emaciation,losing flesh while living well..
R-- Red face esp. in afternoon.
C-- Changeability;physical and mental.
U-- Unreasoning terror at medical examination..
L-- Longs fresh air but catches cold easily...
I-- Iirrritable,peevish,fretful....
N-- Nose sweat.
U--Uses foul languages..
M--Mentally deficient children.

xious: suspects some one is pursuing.
N =Nervous headache of sedentary persons.
A =All gone sensation in the stomach.
C =Confused by two wills.
A =Apt to choke when eating and drinking.
R =Rectum seems powerless: as if plugged-up.
D =Desire for stool, but ceases with the effort.
I =Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
U =Unfit for business: loss of memory.
M = Memory loss.

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