Monday, 28 May 2012


Quercus Robus....

 It grows in woodlands and grassland. Male Female flowers develop on the same tree , flowering between the end of April and early May.

Emotional Group : "Despondency and Despair"

Key Indications : Struggles , Despair , strength , endurance


  • Even if the patient is going through hardships and sufferings , he shows full devotion and loyalty towards fulfilment of duty.
  • Takes Lot of pains and goes beyond the call of duty....
  • Takes full responsibility over his shoulders , Seriousness of intentions, perseverance. 
  • He indulges himself in a task for which he has least knowledge , he believes nothing is impossible and becomes overconfident in undertaking any task. 
  • In order to accomplish his work he ignores himself and neglects the rejuvenating power of recreation. 
  • They keep on working hiding their tiredness or ill health from others. 
  • These people suffer a lot inside sometimes. They never complaint. No space for emotions like self pity , selfishness or discouragement. 
  • Despondency and despair develop as reward are not forthcoming , or as pressures become too great and duties can't be fulfilled further due to mounting exhaustion . 
  • If he is unable to reach his goals due to health reasons he feels sorry. 
  •  May appear to be introvert. 
  • Even in the most adverse of conditions he never accepts defeat and continues the fiath in the belief of ultimate victory. 
  • A gambler is a very good example who plays till the end even after loosing all his assets and says "one last go".

Positivity Expected is :

  • Oak people have the capability to stand great strains , are patient and full of common sense ..
  • So now before taking up any task in hand they are better of in calculating whether they can accomplish their task or not.
  • Possess all attributes of a winner , immense power of resistance , lots of will power ,courage , devotion to duty , high ideas 
  • Will be able to recognise or analyse their limits .
Comparison with other Bach Remedies :
Gorse – Looses hope easily unlike oak
Vervain – Full of enthusiasm and will power.
Olive – Exhaustion and tiredness to the inner level
Centaury– Low energy because of devotion to services


Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


"Olea Europoea ....

The olive tree , an evergreen native to the Mediterranean .They have inflorescence white flowers.

Emotional Group : "Insufficient interest in present circumstances "

Key Indications : Extreme and total Exhaustion

  • The patient is in a deep exhaustion state ...He is so much tired and exhausted that every small work becomes a hard work for them .
  • The tasks which they used to relish are of no interest to ...them any longer because of extreme tiredness.
  • They feel bored of a particular work very easily .Mind gets tired of monotonous work .
  • Their concentration power is too less and have less mental clarity.
  • There's lack of stamina at physical and mental level 
  • Absent minded , loss of memory , nervous weakness
  • Unable to finish the task undertaken due to exhaustion , frequently need to rest.
Positivity Expected is :
  • Is able to restore balance and peace
  • Is able to recoup and rejuvenate himself.
  • Taking Olive before a stressful strenuous work helps in reducing exhaustion

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :
HornBeam – Tired , unwillingness to start the new day , lethargy
Centaury – Get tired in too much pleasing others
Oak – Tired from overwork but still keeps on working.
Rock Rose  – Great physical exhaustion due to over responsiveness.
Gorse – Resignation , hopelessness.
Elm–  Tired ,weary , lack of interest in performing tasks.
Walnut and White ChestNut–Tiredness from mental work


Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Pinus Sylvestris ...

A slender tree reaching a height of up to 100ft .It's bark brown red lower down and orange brown in the upper crown.

Emotional Group : "Despondency and Despair"

Key Indications : Guilt Feeling , Forgiveness , Regret , Self-reproach

  • This person suffers from a lot of guilt .
  • He can't forgive himself easily for his own deed.
  • If things go wrong they tend to blame themselves and suffer because of that guilt . Even if it's not their fault they take whole blame on themselves. 
  • These people curse themselves for all misconducts and all wrong things happening around. 
  • These people keep very high standards for themselves not for others and feel guilty and responsible if they are unable to perform nicely. 
  • For all falls and fails in life he broods and despairs. 
  • They involve themselves in many social , charitable works in order to remove their feeling of guilt or to compensate for their sins. 
  • Their intake of responsibility of any wrong thing happened can move to an extent of punishing themselves , they may turn suicidal at times. 
  • They go into self mechanism mode to raise self-image , ritualistic , perfection oriented. 
  • They may have outburst of temper , changeable moods . 
  • Too humble , hardworking and ready to apologies at every single thing.
Positivity Expected is : 
  • Stops brooding over his mistakes , tries to improve them.Learns from his mistakes. 
  • For every small negative happening stop blaming himself. 
  • Supportivly accepts his mistake and learns to let go.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Crab Apple– Fear of contamination , Fear of uncleanliness
Aspen – Lack of faith , superstitious fears , delusions
Rock water – Unable to control temper , fear of unintentionally hearting loved one.
Oak  – Shock or grief after loosing a loved one , overly responsible ,over conscious
Chestnutbud – Submerging guilt into subconscious , Over caring to the extent of fussiness .
Centaury–  Blaming others , consider themselves responsible for everything.
WildRose– Feels undeserving


Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Aesculus Carnea...

The flowers of the plant are of strong Rose pink , appearing in late May or early June.

Emotional Group : “Fear”

Key Indications : Excessive fear , anxiety for loved ones 

• Fear for the security and safety of loved ones.
• Over care for everyone , even for animals .very kind hearted people
• Feels like protecting weak.
• Insecure feeling , imagines worse things happening.

• Loss of calm , irrational worries and anxieties ,superstitions , faithlessness.
• If unable to protect someone then goes into a mode of self blame.
• Over protective and over caring.

Positivity Expected is :

  Caring and secured feeling comes in.
  Still care and protectiveness is there but with positivity in mind.
  Stops thinking adverse things happening.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Rock Rose – Fright as a loved one is approaching illness or death.
Aspen – Lack of faith , superstitious fears
Cherry Plum – Unable to control temper , fear of unintentionally hearting loved one.
Star Of Bethlehem  – Shock or grief after loosing a love one
Chicory – Over caring to the extent of fussiness
Agrimony– Mild worries for others welfare.

Red Chestnut


Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Helianthemum Nummularium...

Grows on Chalky uplands , lime stones and gravel soils  in the months of June to September .

Emotional Group : "Fear"
Key Indications : No Courage ,Terror, Nightmares , Panic and fright


• Panicky , in shock state.
• Extreme fear to face something , phobia.
• Insomnia out of fear , nightmares , timidity nervousness.
Delusions , panic disorder , anxiety.

• Weepings , feelings of being threatened , Hypochondria's , violent at times.
• Extreme fear to face something , phobia.
• Extreme fear and terror on seeing horrifying sites , like some accidents etc

Positivity Expected is :

• Becomes more steady and courageous .
Stays in equilibrium , bravery
Maintains calm and courageous.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

ImpatiensGets irritated on simple things that even bring joy.
Vervain – Loss of temperament , Nervous.
Holly  –Violent , aggression.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Ornithogalum Umbellatum ....

The plant Grows between April and May . The flowers are striped green on the outside and pure white inside.

Emotional Group : “Despondency and Despair”

Key Indications : Hopelessness , Despair , Destruction


Hopelessness , Loneliness.
Body and mind both exhausted.
Faithlessness , feels can never be successful and no one is the worst sufferer than him.
Positivity Expected is :

  Starts believing in God. Gains faith
 Apart from having lot of negativities  he feels hopeful.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Pine  Prone to superstitions , lack consciousness bound.
Cherry Plum  Poor decisive power , inner stability.
RockWater – Can not cope up with new changes and tries to ignore them.
Agrimony  –Easily impressed and mesmerised by high personalities
Mustard – Easily effected by external impressions.
WhiteChestnut– Easily effected by external impressions.
Gorse – Easily effected by external impressions.
Genian – Easily effected by external impressions.

Sweet Chestnut

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Water from natural springs known to have healing qualities.

Emotional Group : "Over care for welfare of others"
Key Indications : Adaptability , freedom , self-denial


• Social Reformers  or can be political leaders , always try to inspire others.
• Very Disciplined , organised , follow set routines and guide others too to do the same , for which they feel proud of.
• Deep depression , anger  ,lack emotional fluidity.
Ritualistic , compulsive , inflexible , fastidious , perfectionists.

Positivity Expected is :

• Becomes less rigid , Opens up his ideas
Able to accept where ever he is wrong in his opinions
Becomes gentle and feel less Superior

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Gentian  Gets irritated on simple things that even bring joy.
Oak   Adherence to duty
Vervain – Too much  will power , excessive drive to do work
Pine  –High connect of self blame
Crabapple – Fear of contamination
Waterviolet –Feeling of superiority

Rock Water

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Scleranthus Annuus...

Grows in wheat fileds , on sandy and gravel soil with tangled stems and cluterry flowers in the months of June and September.
Emotional Group : "Uncertainity"

Key Indications : Undecisive , Double Minded , Unbalanced


• Highly undecisive , rather scared of making decisions.
• They are reserved people who do not involve anyone in their problems, keep to themselves
• Bad and sudden mood swings ,umotionally highly imbalanced.
They take too long to make decisions and sometimes incure loss because of this mind set.
Unable to concentrate on one thing cos of mind daviations.
• For every small action they check twice and remain uncertain wether they did properly or not.
• Even during illness or disease their symptoms keep on changing.
In severe cases they may suffer from split personality ,mania and depressions.

Postivity Expected is :

• Able to take decisions.
More stable and balanced.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Cerato   Doesnt trust own judgement
Centaury – Others take decisions on his behalf
Wildoat  –Undecisiveness in professional areas.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Ornithogalum Umbellatum ....

The plant Grows between April and May . The flowers are striped green on the outside and pure white inside.

Emotional Group : "Despondency and Despair"

Key Indications : Awakening , Mental and physical shock , trauma , grief


Ailments from grief , extreme , long term disheartenment.
Unable to come out of grieveous and traumatic experiences.
Consulation doesnt work.
 Supressed emotions by loss of someone close.
 Big disappointment , stress, shock.

Postivity Expected is :

Gets inner strength and ability to absorb shock.
 Maintain a balance in difficult situations

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Gorse    Not willing to live , hopeless
Clematis   Unhappy in present situation , grieves about it , but dreams for future
Honeysuckle – Grief over past happenings
WildRose  –Emotionaless
Mutard – Leads life as a burden , meaningless , joyless , depressive
RockRose – Lacks joy and pleasure
Willow –Grief from humiliation
Beech– grief of loosing a good past

Star Of Bethlehem

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Verbena Officinalis...

Grows on dry waste ground , on roadsides . Flowering Season between July and September.

Emotional Group : “Overcare for other’s welfare “
Key Indications : Over enthusiasm , Mental Tension , No Self Discipline ,Fanatic.
  • Lot of mental energy, Lot of enthusiasm to do a lot , always feels so much to do and no time.
  • Want to achive a lot in short period of time . Full of business .No time for anybody, work alcoholic
  • They have so much of will to do a lot that they do thinks , or tak up tasks beyond their capabilities.
  • Always on their toes land up with extreme physical exhaustion , tiredness.
  • Self righteousness , have strong opinions and ideas. Have a great courage to face difficult situations.
  • They are large hearted , they want everyone to get benefited so they share anything and everything good they have , their things , their knowledge..
  • Quick in their movements hurriedness in their tasks , hurried speech.
  • They often ahve leen built up.
  • Always over anxious , impulsive , hurried , full of tension and worries with disturbed sleep pattern.
Postivity Expected is :
  • Enthusiasm is their but now they are able to manage it well.
  • Understand that their hastyness will not pay them rather they are able to perform in a manner so that they dont break down .
  • They start showing flexibility in they way of handling tasks.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Cherry Plum  – Extreme tension , too much of strength for overwork
Impatiens – Tension , Hurriedness in actions..
Oak  – Strong will power ,loyal
Rock Water –  Fixed Ideas and strong opinions
Chicory – Keeps guiding others for betterment
Vine – GIdes and try to influence others by owerpowering them.
Red ChestNut – Anxiously tries for others to avoid them follow a wrong path.
RockRose – Business , racing mind , Always on toes.


Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra