Tuesday 22 May 2012


Cichorium Intybus ….

A much Branched, found on gravel ,and waste land ,on road sides and fields. Blue flowers , very delicate , fading as soon as they are picked .
Emotional Group: Over care for welfare of others

Key Indications Selfish and Possessive Love, Over Possessive Nature, Self Pity ,self centered, egoistic
  • Want of appreciation , Hypochondriac to gain attention.
  • There are two kinds of chicory states , one outgoing expressive and one is of self-pity and withdrawal
  • They need a company of only those who care for their comfort and happiness .
  • Greedy of power and are very possessive.
  • Love of self , doe everything to serve his self interest.
  • Wants response and gratitude for their every action
  • Longs for lost things and those that are unattainable.
  • They irritate and annoy others when they are ill.
  • Very manipulative and have plastic smiles and tricks to get their work done.

Postivity Expected is :
  • They become self-reliant and do not show self-pity any more.
  • Willing to help others without expecting anything in return.
  • They become strong and independent individuals.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Chicory By Dr Rohit :

Chelidonium : Pragmatic attitude, interest in serving and setting things right in a practical way, discrediting own emotions, need for belonging and closeness with others, self-pity when not appreciated.

Dulcamara : Controls the family, opinionated, strong-willed, self-righteous, expects gratitude from others, overly concerned with health issues in regard to the family, despair over trifles.

Ars Alb : Perfection-oriented, also in taking care of others, critical and possessive, deep inner need for belonging and security in relationships, cannot tolerate disorder or disharmony, sets things in order.

Lil Tig : Highly irritable, aggressive, and controlling, nothing pleases, feels sexual dissatisfaction to be the reason for unhappiness, yet entertains strong religious oppositions.

Pulsatilla : Seeks the affection of others, needs close bonding, usually gentle and yielding, deep hurt on being rejected or unappreciated, weeping, changeable emotions and physical symptoms, possessiveness, and capriciousness.

Sepia : Irritable, apparently indifferent to those loved best, withdraw after disappointments, withholds devotion, yet strong need to be with others and exchange affection, may weep frequently.

China : Feels unfortunate and mistreated by others, retreats in silence, hypochondria's.

Antimonium crudum : Highly motivated by sentiments but still don’t show any affection, retreats in sullen refusal, does not like to be looked at or touched, feels misunderstood.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

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