Tuesday 22 May 2012


Fagus Sylvatica …

A handsome tree, formerly known as the ‘Mother of the wood’. Male and female Flowers develop on the same tree, flowering in April or May, as the leaves come out.

Emotional Group : "Over care for welfare of others"
Key Indications : Criticism ,Intolerance, Passing Judgements, Perfectionism  

  • Remedy for the people who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them.
  • They lack compassion and understanding and paths that other  people are given, fail too see that they also want perfection but in their own way.
  • Sometimes their intolerance causes outburst of irritability.
  • Highly disciplined , punctual , orderly  people in all respects.
  • They are very rigid personalities with fixed opinions and ideas , they are very hard task masters.
  • They keep very high standards of performance ad perfection. Others find it very hard to meet their perfection level.Intolerant of the ways others work , not only to people they are also intolerant to things noise , bad manners.
  • For them they are always right and others are always wrong , they have superiority complex.
  • They need no reason to criticise or finding faults in others.
  • They lack humility and sympathy.
  • They are lonely people , not by choice but because of their criticising nature they are left lonely. By this non friendly nature and staying alone gets frustrated too.
  • Fastidious , over care of cleanliness.
  • Expect a lot from others.

Positivity  Expected 
  • Encourages tolerance and understanding.
  • Irritability fades with time.
  • Become more loving and affectionate.
  • Appreciates others.
  • Better tolerance power.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Impatiens– Intolerance of unpunctuality
Vine – Can't tolerate opposition
Holly  – Dislike others success

Homeopathic Remedies and Beech By Dr Rohit :

Chelidonium majus: Expecting own self and others to be pragmatic and achievement-oriented, self-righteous criticism, overexertion in mind and body; musculoskeletal stiffness and rheumatism.

Dulcamara: Self-righteous, opinionated, domineering and critical, interested in tight control, overexertion in mind and body.

Ars Album: Perfection-oriented, achieving high standards and expecting the same accomplishment in others, impatient and irritable, intolerant of confusion.

Nux vomica: Highly achievement-oriented, critical and fault-finding, impatient, high-strung in mind and body.

Platinum: Feels superior to others, contemptuousness; irritability and criticism, also toward children, stiffness and numbness of body.

Lachesis muta: Forceful personality; quick, aggressive, jealousy and suspicion; loquacity, constriction.

Sepia officinalis: Feels detached, lack of compassion, criticizes others; hurtful, critical

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

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