Sunday 24 June 2012

Bach Remedies for Hyperacidity

Elm+Oak, and Olive+Vervain :

For People  in  positions  of great  responsibility 
ELM: Overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility, Temporary loss of confidence, Elm people are those who are successful and carrying out work they believe in, sometimes a temporary feeling of inadequacy may resulting in despondency,
OAK: Remedy for strong ,steady people who do not give up under adversity, have high determination and never rest until exhaustion. Many people rely on them and their sense of duty is strong. They get frustrated and unhappy if they are force to perform less due to exhaustion or illness.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends
VERVAIN: Perfectionists with keen sense of justice. Extreme mental energy.. Their enthusiasm is infectious, strongly persuade others for their own point of view. To quell over-enthusiasm: tends to restore equilibrium and relax the tension.

Gorse,+Olive+Willow :

For People who are frustrated with their problems and cannot seem to find solutions

GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Beech+Willow :

For people easily prone to anger

BEECH Ppl who feel the need to see more good and beauty all around. They are intolerant of difference. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given .Intolerance of any shortcomings, which turns them very critical and judgemental
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour. 

Holly+Willow :

For those jealous and suspicious of others

HOLLY: Thought of as a remedy for anger. Very negative , aggressive feelings directed at others.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Agrimony +Gorse :

For sensitive  and frustrated people

AGRIMONY: For people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness Friends are often the last to know that something is wrong. Putting on a cheerful face to hide problems. Sensitive, yet troubled inside.
GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.

Wild oat +Wild Rose :

For depressed people
WILD OAT: It's a remedy of people who feel they want to do something worth while. They drift from one thing to another. They become frustrated, dissatisfied with current lifestyle, can’t decide which path to follow.
WILD ROSE: Have no interest in life, Have no mood for anything, have stopped eating. Have lost hopes, have left themselves , adjust with everything .


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