Friday 8 June 2012


Clematis Vitalba ....

A woody climber found on chalky soils and lime stone ,thickets and woodlands .The fragrant flowers are surrounded by four greenery -white , downy sepals.

Emotional Group : "Insufficient interest in present circumstances"

Key Indications : Lack Of Interest, Day dreamer, mental escapism


  • All high ideals , but only in dreams, no practical action taken.
  • Indifference in daily affairs and routine, life appears too boring.
  • Dreams in future and remains unhappy in present.
  • making castles due to which present work gets spoilt.
  • may not hear the words spoken , absent minded, in her own thoughts
  • Get addicted to drugs .
  • May complaint of out of body experiences and sensations.
  • Good for unconscious state or coma
Positivity Expected is :
  • Gets better control over her thoughts.
  • Starts staying happy in the present moment and stops dreaming about future.
  • Seeks and hears with attention.
  • Still remains in his dream world but on the same side starts working to achieve that
Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Clematis –  Preoccupied mind , full of fantasies, makes castles in air.
Chestnut Bud – Lives in present , no dreaming but on the same side doesn't pay attention to things that do not interest him.
Wild Rose – Lost total interest in life , apathetic.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Clematis By Dr Rohit :

Nux Mos: Absorbed in thoughts, dreams, drowsiness and sleepiness, fainting fits, also of hysterical nature, may faint from seeing blood, absent-minded and forgetful.

Staphisagria: Dreams of a beautiful future, while present holds disappointment and disillusionment, sentimental and romantic, with poetic vision, sexual fantasies, suppressed anger and reserved indignation , sudden outbursts of temper.

Asarum : Absent-mindedness, lack of power of concentration, vanishing of thoughts on mental exertion, feeling as if floating in air, anorexia, highly sensitive and nervy, starting from noise.

Cannabis : Pleasant, clairvoyance, disturbed sense of estimation in regard to time and space, time seems too long, space too expansive, loss of personal identity, sensation as if floating, very sleepy, but unable to sleep.

Opium: Chronic lightness of head and vertigo after fright or shock, exaltation of the mind, can have frightful visions, loss of consciousness, apathy, grief over insults, ailments from experience of fright or shock.

Helleborus : Ailments from disappointment in love or after blow to the head, censorial depression, though senses are not impaired structurally, states of unconsciousness, weakness of memory, mind loses command over body.

Lac caninum: Feels as if floating in air, lassitude and prostration, visions and dreams of snakes, nervous and easily startled, absent-minded, cannot focus the mind, restlessness of the mind, weakness of memory, confusion as to what is truth and reality, dizziness

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

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