Saturday 9 June 2012


Ulex Europaeus ....
Native to Europe , growing on stony ground and heath lands. Fragrant yellow flowers from February to June.

Emotional Group : "Uncertainty"

Key Indications : Resignation and despair , Uncertainty of purpose, Hesitant, hopeless.

  • Lack of confidence in doctors and medicines when sick.
  • Too much of depression, They think of darkness all around , gloomy , think nothing can be improved ever.
  • Just because others say patient undergo treatment but himself has no hope of getting cured.
  • Total loss of hope, so doesn't even wish to correct things.
  • For future also he is totally hopeless.
  • Repeated failures and unsuccessful efforts because of total loss of faith .
  • Negativity is deep rooted that he is least willing to make any efforts.
  • Uncertainty in everything.
Positivity Expected is :
  • Gains hope and faith.
  • Optimism sets in., motivated to improve his conditions.
  • Unshakable self confidence.
  • Restores faith in himself and in circumstances and puts efforts
  • recovers well from depression.
Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Gorse– Hopelessness in everything.
Oak – Full of hope even in adverse situations.
Larch  – No confidence in themselves.
Scleranthus-- Unsteady mind , always unsure of things/ acts.
Gentian--Dejection , " I can never be cured".

Homeopathic Remedies  And Gorse  By Dr Rohit :

Alumina: Stagnation of emotions and of physical functions, with feelings of resignation and despair of recovery, suicidal ideation, debility, lack of vital heat.

Ars Album: May resort to hopelessness in regard to recovery, disbelief in efficiency of Remedies, generally feels threatened by the possibility of a breakdown in health or in the security and order of life, once a breakdown has occurred, general debility, irritability.

Calc Carb : Overwork creates state of fearful apprehension and despondency, particularly, there is fear of becoming insane in face of the pressures, with advancing illness in mind and body, there is despair of recovery, low vitality.

Psorinum: General pessimism and negativity, feels forsaken and hopeless, especially during illness, suicidal disposition, lowered vitality, great chilliness, falls ill frequently, offensives odour's.

Syphilinum: Feels disintegration in mind and body and despair of recovery during illness, compulsive measures to avoid contamination and counteract negative expectancy, prostration.

Lycopodium : Fearful and hopeless in face of new endeavours, anticipates failure, yet may try to portray image of courage, despair of recovery in illness, may appear strong-willed , poor circulation.

Helleborus : Censorial deprivation and apathetic hopelessness, remorse, sighs involuntarily, slurred speech, may come on after head injury, stroke, lowered vitality.

Ignatia : Hopelessness after expectations have been dashed, frequent sighing from grief, locked up, deeply buried emotions, lack of emotional release leads to cramping and spasms in the body.

Aurum sulph : Profound despair of recovery, depression and loathing of life, aversion to company, weariness, constant nodding of head.

Bryonia alba: Refuses to engage in social interaction, with apathy and hopelessness in regard to outcome of illness, concerned about business, physical weakness, dryness.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

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