Sunday 10 June 2012


Lonicera Caprifolium ....

A vigorous , fragrant climber found in woodlands , on the edges of forests .The petals , reddish outside and white inside , turn yellow on pollination.

Emotional Group : "Insufficient interest in present circumstances"

Key Indications : Nostalgia, Homesickness, living in past

  • Dwelling over past , lives on past relations and conditions.
  • Doesn't enjoy the present moment because lives in the memories of past.
  • Present is Void, looses interest in present.
  • Regret lost opportunities.
  • Carries the dead weight of the past.
  • Feels can never achieve what he had in the past, feels future can never be as beautiful as past
  • Struck with depressing thoughts of past.
  • Dwells on lost love relationships. 
Positivity Expected is :
  • Letting go of the past
  • Trusts in present and move forward in life .
  • Increases adaptability
  • Gratitude for previous happiness.
  • Understands that change is bound to happen and is for good.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

WhiteChestnut – Mind preoccupied with sad thoughts , wants to get rid but can not
Clematis -- Mind preoccupied by day dreaming
Honeysuckle -- Mind preoccupied  by past memories.

Honey Suckle

"Homoepathic Remedies and Honeysuckle  By Dr Rohit : 

Carbo animalis: Dwelling on past, homesickness, gloomy mental state, consciousness appears to be overshadowed by black cloud, general lack of vitality, coldness of body, weakness.

Phosphoric Acid: Grief and apathy after experience of loss or disappointment in love, homesickness with silent moroseness, sense of stagnation in mind/emotions and body, lack of vitality.

Igantia : Grief and mourning of loss after high expectations have been shattered, romantic disappointments, homesickness and longing for the past, frequent sighing, chronic fatigue syndrome, excessive sleepiness after grief.

Mag Mur: Longing for peace and happiness, homesickness, cannot tolerate quarrels and disharmony in environment, feels as if suddenly aged, as if youth is lost, passive and depressed.

Aurum Met : Longing to see one’s relatives, to experience again former happiness, sadness at loss of affection of friends, depression and suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Mercurius : Homesickness, especially at night, with anxiety and perspiration, longing for the structural safety and happiness of the past, as the present seems threatened.

Kali Phos: Exhaustion from overwork, with homesickness and longing for shelter, listless and despondent, chronic fatigue syndrome."

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

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