The main causes leading to hyperthyroid are :-
General Causes
- Life style today is one of the major cause of thyroid imbalance. Chronic stress is one of the root cause. Psychological trauma, emotional disturbance or prolonged illness are few reasons.
- Bad eating habits. Eating too many refined foods and sugars which causes problems with blood sugar levels which affect adrenal gland and also cause malfunctioning of of thyroid gland.
- Environmental Factors like pollution and toxins all around even at home i.e. toxins present in the form of chemicals in food which our body can not handle. There are many food products for which we do not have awareness of the ingredients before we consume them which act as toxins for our body.
Therapeutic Causes
- Excess secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone.
- Other causes could be Grave’s disease, Plummer’s disease
- Toxic adenoma (Benign non cancerous lump)
- Post-par tum thyroditis (after birth of a child)
- Thyrotoxicosis (addiction to thyroid hormones)
- Problem with the pituitary gland
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism :-
- Extreme nervousness, fear, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, excitability
- Speech defects , Speech is rapid ,and temper alternating with weeping in women.
- Loss of weight despite good appetite
- Trembling hands while holding cup
- Palpitations, dyspnea, and angina on slight exertion.
- Swelling in the neck (Goitre).
- Bulging of eyeballs and photo phobia.
- Diminished menstrual flow .
- Pulse and heart rate are increased.
- Increased metabolic rate so canine hunger but there is weight loss.
- Patient looks ill.
Most Common Treatment suggested and it's Consequences
Allopathic line of treatment is Beta blockers in mild cases and in some cases the oral intake of Radioactive Iodine, which not only destroys many cells of Thyroid but also have to be taken for rest of life. Taking RAI long term can lead to hypothyroidism . It makes the immune system weak which may lead to other autoimmune diseases in future. When hyperthyroid is detected then intake of RAI should be the last option. A very effective answer to thyroid imbalance is Homeopathy .
Homeopathic Treatment For Hyperthyroidism
For the treatment of hyperthyroidism
, the symptoms of the body are always kept in mind as we consider for every
other case. The most common homeopathic remedies that play an important role in
the treatment of hyperthyroidism are: -
Belledona best acts on heart and the circulation, nerves , the brain,
and the eyes. For Easily excitable , emotional patients. There is throbbing, dilated pupils, dry mucous
membrane. The patient is plethoric, aggressive and intellectual individuals. The patient complains of violent
heat, Burning and redness .The patient has a sensation of dryness. The patient
has an irritable state of mind affecting the urinary tract.The patient’s symptoms are
aggravated from exposure to draft of air , wants to be wrapped up, light and noise
aggravates suffering.
Calcarea Flour
Swelling of thyroid , constricted feeling in thyroid region, digestive troubles
Calcarea Flour
Swelling of thyroid , constricted feeling in thyroid region, digestive troubles
Ferrum phos
Lycopus virginicus
It helps to normalise the overactive
thyroid. In goitre also , it is well indicated . A good remedy for overactive
thyroid gland and for patients with irritability and mental tiredness. Patients with increased heart rate and palpitation It’s
good for hyper thyroids patients who have ongoing respiratory problems and
coughs.The remedy also useful in lowering the blood pressure. Sensation of eye
being pushed out.
It's a
powerful remedy for glandular stimulation.It is useful for goitre, with
increased heart action and pulsation of arteries; tremors and nervousness; heat
and sweating. Excessive salivation and perspiration
is a leading symptom of the remedy.
Remedy good
for thyroid dysfunction . Patients with lot of emaciation and trembling hands. Nervous Temperament
Lapis Albus
Good for hyperthyroidism where in symptoms include enlargement of the thyroid gland , fatigue , sluggishness , and mental dullness.
The remedy good for hyperthyroidism .Protruding eye with heart symptoms. Other symptoms may be palpitation , contracting pains, faintness , anxiety , worse in warm room .
Magnesium Flouratum
Hyperthyroidism , metabolic complaints , Chronic suppuration, Neuralgia.
Bach Flower Remedies for Hyperthyroidism
In the case of Thyroid dysfunction we could think of giving individual flower remedies or a combination of the remedies depending on the individual patients requirement . The disease of Hyperthyroidism has been linked with an exaggerated sense of service and suppression of self-centred impulses .
Magnesium Flouratum
Hyperthyroidism , metabolic complaints , Chronic suppuration, Neuralgia.
Bach Flower Remedies for Hyperthyroidism
In the case of Thyroid dysfunction we could think of giving individual flower remedies or a combination of the remedies depending on the individual patients requirement . The disease of Hyperthyroidism has been linked with an exaggerated sense of service and suppression of self-centred impulses .
Hyperthyroidism is also linked with the stressful mental state , a stress of higher altitude leading to emotional breakdown. Here in the Bach Remedy " Vervain " is of great help as it helps release muscle tension.
Aspen, Cerato, Hornbeam, Olive, Larch Mustard,
Mimulus, Star of Bethlehem are some of the remedies
which could be thought of considering the mental symptoms of the patient of
thyroid disorders.
A combination of Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Pine, Vervain and Willow helps a hyperthyroidism patient to focus and concentrate better.
Managing Hyperthyroidism
Natural Herbs and Diet Good for Hyperthyroidism
-Bugleweed ( Homeo Remedy Lycopus is from this herb)
-Vitamin D (Avoid Sunblocks)
-Selenium (Source : nuts)
-Vitamin B (Source : Whole Foods)
-Magnesium (Source : Organic Vegetables)
-Omega 3 Fatty Acids
-Increase Calcium intake
-All those with hyperthyroidism are prone to pernicious enema so intake of Vitamin B along with
other nutrients should be taken good care of.
-Fish contains iodine, omega-3 fats, and vitamin D. Mustard, and other dark leafy greens contain
vitamin A.
Do's And Don't
-Avoid tea, coffee,
-No smoking, alcohol and caffeine .
-Avoid Sour and deep fried eatables.
-Never Skip meals as it may lower blood sugar levels which lead to tiredness
-Positive Thinking
-Anger Control
-Control of Anger
Home Remedies
-Mixture of Pudina (Mint) paste and Saunf (Fennel Seed) powder .. 1 table spoon to be taken with
water every morning , empty stomach.
-Silver has very good healing powers for treating hyperactive thyroid. Having milk at bedtime
especially when it is heated in a silver container will yield better results.
-Brahmi powder mixed with half teaspoonful of honey should be taken in the morning
-Bugleweed ( Homeo Remedy Lycopus is from this herb)
-Vitamin D (Avoid Sunblocks)
-Selenium (Source : nuts)
-Vitamin B (Source : Whole Foods)
-Magnesium (Source : Organic Vegetables)
-Omega 3 Fatty Acids
-Increase Calcium intake
-All those with hyperthyroidism are prone to pernicious enema so intake of Vitamin B along with
other nutrients should be taken good care of.
-Fish contains iodine, omega-3 fats, and vitamin D. Mustard, and other dark leafy greens contain
vitamin A.
Do's And Don't
-Avoid tea, coffee,
-No smoking, alcohol and caffeine .
-Avoid Sour and deep fried eatables.
-Never Skip meals as it may lower blood sugar levels which lead to tiredness
-Positive Thinking
-Anger Control
-Control of Anger
Yoga helps in the balances
of the neuro hormones and metabolism besides improving the endocrine metabolism.The most effective yoga exercise for thyroid dysfunction is "Ujjayi Pranayam" and "Kappal Bhati Pranayam ".
Home Remedies
-Mixture of Pudina (Mint) paste and Saunf (Fennel Seed) powder .. 1 table spoon to be taken with
water every morning , empty stomach.
-Silver has very good healing powers for treating hyperactive thyroid. Having milk at bedtime
especially when it is heated in a silver container will yield better results.
-Brahmi powder mixed with half teaspoonful of honey should be taken in the morning