Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Homeopathy and Bach Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism or Overactive Thyroid Gland refers to the over secretion of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland .It  is the opposite of hypothyroidism, as the name suggests. It is a condition where in the thyroid   gland increases   in size with abnormal secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone. It is defined by weight loss, increased BMR and sensitivity to tremors. An overactive thyroid gland, or hyperthyroidism, can trigger restlessness, hyperactivity, insomnia and irritability .

The main causes leading to hyperthyroid are  :-
General Causes
  • Life style today is one of the major cause of thyroid imbalance. Chronic  stress is one of the root cause. Psychological trauma, emotional disturbance or prolonged illness are few reasons.
  • Bad eating habits. Eating too many refined foods and sugars which causes problems with blood sugar levels which affect adrenal gland and also cause malfunctioning of of thyroid gland.
  • Environmental Factors like pollution and toxins all around even at home i.e. toxins present in the form of chemicals in food which our body can not handle. There are many food products for which we do not have awareness of the ingredients before we consume them which act as toxins for our body.

Therapeutic Causes

  • Excess secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone.
  • Other causes could be Grave’s disease, Plummer’s disease
  • Toxic adenoma (Benign non cancerous lump)
  • Post-par tum thyroditis (after birth of a child)
  • Thyrotoxicosis (addiction to thyroid hormones)
  • Problem with the pituitary gland  

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism :- 
  • Extreme nervousness, fear, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, excitability
  •  Speech defects , Speech is rapid ,and temper alternating with weeping in women.
  •  Loss of weight despite good appetite
  • Trembling hands while holding cup
  •  Palpitations, dyspnea, and angina on slight exertion.
  •  Swelling in the neck (Goitre).
  • Bulging of eyeballs and photo phobia.
  • Diminished menstrual flow .
  • Pulse and heart rate are increased.
  • Increased metabolic rate so canine hunger but there is weight loss.
  • Patient looks ill.

Most Common Treatment suggested and  it's Consequences 

Allopathic line of treatment is Beta blockers in mild cases and in some cases the oral intake of Radioactive Iodine, which not only destroys many cells of Thyroid but also have to be taken for rest of life. Taking RAI long term can lead to hypothyroidism . It makes the immune system weak which may lead to other autoimmune diseases in future. When hyperthyroid is detected then intake of RAI should be the last option. A very effective answer to thyroid imbalance is Homeopathy .
Homeopathic Treatment For Hyperthyroidism
For the treatment of hyperthyroidism , the symptoms of the body are always kept in mind as we consider for every other case. The most common homeopathic remedies that play an important role in the treatment of hyperthyroidism are: - 
Belledona best acts on  heart and the circulation, nerves , the brain, and the eyes. For Easily excitable , emotional patients. There is throbbing, dilated pupils, dry mucous membrane. The patient is plethoric, aggressive and intellectual  individuals. The patient complains of violent heat, Burning and redness .The patient has a sensation of dryness. The patient has an irritable state of mind affecting the urinary tract.The patient’s symptoms are aggravated from exposure to draft of air , wants to be wrapped up, light and noise aggravates suffering. 

Calcarea Flour
Swelling of thyroid , constricted feeling in thyroid region, digestive troubles 
Ferrum phos  
The remedy ,basically for anaemic and extremely nervous patients.Even the least excitement causes flushing of face. The remedy to be used in first stage of all inflammatory infections.In women, the menses are too frequent and too profuse . The patient is worse at night, early morning , by touch, jar, motion and lying on the right side and feels better by cold applications. The remedy to be taken in acute state of thyroid dysfunction and that has to be followed by a proper constitutional remedy.
Lycopus virginicus 
It helps to normalise the overactive thyroid.  In goitre also , it is well indicated . A good remedy for overactive thyroid gland and for patients with irritability and mental tiredness. Patients with increased heart rate and palpitation  It’s good for hyper thyroids patients who have ongoing respiratory problems and coughs.The remedy also useful in lowering the blood pressure. Sensation of eye being pushed out. 
Pilocarpus  microphyllus 
It's  a powerful remedy for glandular stimulation.It is useful for goitre, with increased heart action and pulsation of arteries; tremors and nervousness; heat and sweating. Excessive salivation and perspiration is a leading symptom of the remedy.
Remedy good for thyroid dysfunction . Patients with lot of emaciation and trembling hands. Nervous Temperament

Lapis Albus
Good for hyperthyroidism where in symptoms include enlargement of the thyroid gland , fatigue , sluggishness , and mental dullness.

The remedy good for hyperthyroidism .Protruding eye with heart symptoms. Other symptoms may be palpitation , contracting pains, faintness , anxiety , worse in warm room .

Magnesium Flouratum
Hyperthyroidism , metabolic complaints , Chronic suppuration, Neuralgia.

Bach Flower Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

In the case of Thyroid dysfunction we could think of giving individual flower remedies or a combination of the remedies depending on the individual patients  requirement . The disease of Hyperthyroidism has been linked with an exaggerated sense of service and suppression of self-centred impulses .
Hyperthyroidism is also linked with the stressful mental state , a stress of higher altitude leading to emotional breakdown. Here in the Bach Remedy " Vervain " is of great help as it helps release muscle tension.
Aspen, Cerato, Hornbeam, Olive, Larch Mustard, Mimulus, Star of Bethlehem are some of the remedies which could be thought of considering the mental symptoms of the patient of thyroid disorders.
 A combination of Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Pine, Vervain and Willow helps a hyperthyroidism patient  to focus and concentrate better.
Managing Hyperthyroidism

Natural Herbs  and Diet Good for Hyperthyroidism

-Bugleweed ( Homeo Remedy Lycopus is from this herb)
-Vitamin D (Avoid Sunblocks)
-Selenium (Source : nuts)
-Vitamin B (Source : Whole Foods)
-Magnesium (Source : Organic Vegetables)
-Omega 3 Fatty Acids
-Increase Calcium intake
-All those with hyperthyroidism are prone to pernicious enema so intake of Vitamin B along with 
  other nutrients should be taken good care of.
-Fish contains iodine, omega-3 fats, and vitamin D. Mustard, and other dark leafy greens contain
  vitamin A.

Do's And Don't

-Avoid tea, coffee,
-No smoking, alcohol and caffeine .
-Avoid Sour and deep fried eatables.
-Never Skip meals as it may lower blood sugar levels which lead to tiredness
-Positive Thinking
-Anger Control
-Control of Anger


Yoga helps in the balances of the neuro hormones and metabolism besides improving the endocrine metabolism.The most effective yoga exercise for thyroid dysfunction is "Ujjayi Pranayam" and "Kappal Bhati Pranayam ".

Home Remedies

-Mixture of Pudina (Mint) paste and Saunf (Fennel Seed) powder .. 1 table spoon to be taken with
  water every morning , empty stomach.
-Silver has very good healing powers for treating hyperactive thyroid. Having milk at bedtime 
  especially when it is heated in a silver container will yield better results.
-Brahmi powder mixed with half teaspoonful of honey should be taken in the morning


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nutrition For Healthy Heart

A healthy nutritious diet can make a big difference for our heart to be healthy . A good diet may reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Benefits of eating a good balanced diet towards maintaining a Healthy Heart

Maintains body weight
Maintains blood cholesterol
Maintains Blood pressure

Few most common causes of heart diseases

High Cholesterol Levels
High Blood Pressure
Being Physically inactive
No regular exercising
Drinking too much Alcohol
High Salt intake

Help Improving your Heart

Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol Formation is mainly done in Liver and is the building block of many important hormones , but it's increased percentage in blood causes heart disease risk

There are two types of Cholesterol

LDL -- Low Density Lipoprotien -- transports from Liver to Cells -- where the extra amount gets oxidised and is taken to artery  walls by the cells where it starts to accumulate and start making the arteries narrow ..That's the reason why it is called Bad Cholesterol as well.

HDL -- High Density Lipoprotien -- Transports excess cholesterol away from arteries to the liver -- Protects bad cholesterol's accumulation in the arteries.. That's the reason why it is called as Good Cholesterol.

So our nutrition should be such that can help in reducing LDL , on the same side that can increase the levels of HDL.

First and the foremost concentration should be on cutting down the total amount of fat intake i.e. for every 2000 calories intake u should have only 60g of fat per day.

Now it's important to know

Fats are of three types


Olive Oil
Nuts and Seeds
Pure Vegetable Oil
Soya Oils

Foods  Containing  Unsaturated Fats help in lowering LDL and help in increasing the HDL .Food chosen should be low-fat  varieties  of  diary products and spreads.
Another type of important Polyunsaturated fat  i.e.  Omega 3 Fat. Omega 3 Fat are important because :-
Maintains Heart Beat
Protects small arteries
They reduce the viscosity of blood and make it less likely to clot.
Helps to lower the levels of Triglycerides, high levels of which may lead to heart diseases

Foods Rich in Omega 3 Fats :-
Fishes like Salmon, tuna, Sardines etc
Walnut oil
Soya oil

The ways of cooking food also increase the content of Fat in diet. So instead of  shallow or deep frying , the methods like steaming , boiling , grilling or microwaving should be considered.

Importance of Fibre in Diet for a Healthy Heart

Fibre rich foods are not only rich in Vitamins and Minerals but are also low in Fat content . Eating a fibre rich diet prevent the risk of heart disease. Some of the food rich in soluble fibres bind with cholesterol and prevent it from being reabsorbed in the blood stream , this lowers the amount of bad Cholesterol in blood. Soluble Fibres also help in maintaining blood sugar levels by increasing the absorption of carbohydrates in intestines.

Foods Rich in Fibre

Whole Meat Bread
Whole Grain Foods
Brown Rice

Importance of Fruits and Vegetables in diet for Healthy Heart

Fruits and Vegetables are low in fats and high in fibres , rich in antioxidants . Vitamins such as Beta Carotene , Vitamin C , Vitamin E  remove harmful free radicals which increase the oxidation of unwanted cholesterol and help in getting in converted to bad cholesterol. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

Importance of Less Salt intake for Healthy Heart

Over intake of salt increases the risk of Hypertension i.e. High Blood Pressure  which leads to the increasing the risk of Heart diseases. Foods like Cheese , Bacon pickles  ,yeast , pizza, baked beans  Soya Sauces are high in salt content so should be avoided.

Healthy Heart Nutrition

Garlic -- Acts as a blood thinner , Vitamin C in garlic prevents oxidation of LDL hence reducing it's percentage and increasing HDL
Ginger -- Maintains healthy Cholesterol Levels
Vegetables -- All veges are good for health cos of low fat content
Onions -- Raw onions raises HDL levels
Fish -- Fish oils good to maintain cholesterol levels
Apples -- Lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke
Grapes -- Helps maintain blood vessel tone
Tomatoes -- Rich in Vitamin B, Potassium help reduce the risk of heart diseases
Spinach -- Lowers Blood Pressure
Fenugreek Seeds -- Maintains Blood Pressure
Holy Basil -- Regular Intake of few leaves daily reduces LDL

Cholesterol Busters

Eating More Fibre
Less Fat Intake
Low- Carb Diet
Loose Weight
Quit Smoking

Natural Ways to Reduce Heart Risks

Ginger Juice + Apple Juice + Lemon + Apple Cider Vinegar --  Mix all 4 in equal quantities and boil it to reduce to 3/4th quantity. Cool it and add equal quantity of Honey to it. One table spoon before breakfast helps in removing vein blockage.

Warm water with Lemon Juice and honey or fresh fruit juice on waking up .

Fresh Fruit slices / whole meal toasts / yogurt / soya milk as breakfast.

Yoga Asans like Shavasna , Vajrasana, Gomukhasna , Pranayams like Shitali , Bhramari are good for heart health

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Surya Namaskar

That most familiar of asana sequences, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is as rich in symbolic and mythic overtones as it is in physical benefits.

Surya has a lot of significance in the Hindu religion, while the term literally translates to “the Supreme Light”. It is the chief of solar deity since the term generally refers to the Sun. The mythical image representation of Surya has...
golden arms and hair. He is known to ride his triumphal chariot that is attached to seven horses that takes him through to the heavens. Those seven horses represent the seven chakras found all throughout the body.

One of the means of honoring the sun is through the dynamic asana sequence Surya Namaskar (better known as Sun Salutation). The Sanskrit word namaskar stems from namas, which means "to bow to" or "to adore." (The familiar phrase we use to close our yoga classes, namaste—te means "you"—also comes from this root.) Each Sun Salutation begins and ends with the joined-hands mudra (gesture) touched to the heart. This placement is no accident; only the heart can know the truth.

The Benefits of Sun Salutation

These postures flex and stretch the spinal column through its maximum range giving a profound stretch throughout the entire body. The Sun Salutation has a deep detoxifying effect on the organ as well as a deep relaxing effect on the body. Some of the benefits are:

• Tones the digestive system
• Ventilates the lungs and oxygenates the blood
• Gets rid of large quantities of carbon dioxide and other toxic cases
• Strengthens the abdominal muscles
• Tones the nervous system and improves memory
• Improves muscles flexibility
• Helps reduce fat

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Life Force Energy And Chakras

We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body through pathways called Chakras. It also flows around us in a field of energy called Aura. Life Force Nourishes the organs and cells of the body , supporting them

What Chakras Are ?

Chakras are the entry gate of the Aura.The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc. They are centre of activities that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. 
  • There are 88, 000 Chakras
  • 40 Have Significance
  • 7 Most Significant
  • Receives and Expresses Life Force Energy
  • Responsible For Physical, Mental and Spiritual Functions
7 Most Significant Chakras

Root (Mooladhar) Chakra

Colour -- Red
Sound -- L
Element -- Earth + Fire
Petals -- 4
Significance -- Blood, Body, Bones, Skin, Hair, Nerves, Skeletal System, Heart Control
Diseases  -- Week Bone, Arthritis, Back Bone  Problems, Skin Allergy, Low Vitality, Growth Problems, Insomnia, Sexual Problems, Suicidal Tendency

Swadhisthana Chakra

Colour -- Orange
Sound -- V
Element -- Water
Petals -- 6
Significance -- Sex Organ Functioning, Strengthen Productivity, Influence Brow and Vishudhi Chakra
Diseases -- Sexual Problem, no sex desire, Mental Disorders, Depression.

Solar (Manipur) Chakra

Colour -- Yellow
Sound -- R
Element -- Fire
Petals -- 10
Significance -- Power House, Clearing House, Diaphragm Balance, Takes energy from below Chakras and send up, Influenced by negativity, emotions
Diseases -- Gastric Problems, Breath Disorders, Heart Problems, Cholesterol, Diabetes.

Heart (Anhata) Chakra

Colour -- Green
Sound -- Yeh
Element -- Air
Petals -- 12
Significance -- Important barrier of physical Chakras, Spiritual journey starter, emotional entry point, Peace, Harmony, Satisfaction, Will Power, Anger, Hesitation, Dreams, Blood, Heart, Lungs.
Diseases -- Heart Disorders, Blood Circulation, Breathing, Gastric, Chest Pain

Throat (Vishudhi) Chakra

Colour -- Sky Blue
Sound -- Ha
Element -- Either
Petals -- 16
Significance -- Vocal Cord, New Mental Creativity, Gender awareness balancing, Thyroid Glands, Physical Strength.
Diseases -- Asthma, Throat Infection, Speech Disorders, Sex Disorders, Low Fertility

Brow (Agya) Chakra

Colour -- Royal Blue
Sound -- Om
Element -- Either + Air
Petals -- 96
Significance -- Low Brain, eyes, Nose, Ear, Third Eye, Concentration, Memory, Intuition, telepathy, Hypothalamus Gland.
Diseases -- ENT Disorders, Eye Problems, Week Eye Vision, Insomnia, Week Memory, Lack Of Concentration

Crown (Sahastrara) Chakra

Colour -- Voilet + Gold
Sound -- Om
Element -- Air
Petals -- 100
Significance -- Entry Of Divine Energy, Cosmic Consciousness, Pineal Gland, Brain, Neurons and Nerves
Diseases -- Swear Headaches, Migraine, Brain Disorders, Vision Problem

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bach Remedies for Hyperacidity

Elm+Oak, and Olive+Vervain :

For People  in  positions  of great  responsibility 
ELM: Overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility, Temporary loss of confidence, Elm people are those who are successful and carrying out work they believe in, sometimes a temporary feeling of inadequacy may resulting in despondency,
OAK: Remedy for strong ,steady people who do not give up under adversity, have high determination and never rest until exhaustion. Many people rely on them and their sense of duty is strong. They get frustrated and unhappy if they are force to perform less due to exhaustion or illness.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends
VERVAIN: Perfectionists with keen sense of justice. Extreme mental energy.. Their enthusiasm is infectious, strongly persuade others for their own point of view. To quell over-enthusiasm: tends to restore equilibrium and relax the tension.

Gorse,+Olive+Willow :

For People who are frustrated with their problems and cannot seem to find solutions

GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Beech+Willow :

For people easily prone to anger

BEECH Ppl who feel the need to see more good and beauty all around. They are intolerant of difference. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given .Intolerance of any shortcomings, which turns them very critical and judgemental
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour. 

Holly+Willow :

For those jealous and suspicious of others

HOLLY: Thought of as a remedy for anger. Very negative , aggressive feelings directed at others.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Agrimony +Gorse :

For sensitive  and frustrated people

AGRIMONY: For people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness Friends are often the last to know that something is wrong. Putting on a cheerful face to hide problems. Sensitive, yet troubled inside.
GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.

Wild oat +Wild Rose :

For depressed people
WILD OAT: It's a remedy of people who feel they want to do something worth while. They drift from one thing to another. They become frustrated, dissatisfied with current lifestyle, can’t decide which path to follow.
WILD ROSE: Have no interest in life, Have no mood for anything, have stopped eating. Have lost hopes, have left themselves , adjust with everything .

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

WATER CURE ....Importance Of Adequate Hydration

"Water is the softest thing , yet it can penetrate mountains and earth . This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness." ..................Lao Tzu

Water, One of the important element out of five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, Mental)  that represents the fluid matter. The protector of the body, the one that provides the basic nourishment.

Drinking plenty of water is beneficial for healthy glowing skin, A well hydrated skin doesn’t get wrinkles and proper moisturising avoids dryness of skin and helps to look it younger of long time. Drinking plenty of water help to reduce dark circles.

For Good Digestion and Proper Assimilation of nutrients it’s very important to consume ample amount of water. For proper metabolism and proper expulsion of waste, water in sufficient amount is needed. Drinking adequate amount of water eases Bowel Movement and Relieves Constipation.

Drinking plenty of water also reduces the risk of heart diseases because proper hydration maintains the viscosity of blood and plasma.
Drinking lot of water help to eliminate these toxins from body. Drinking water regularly in large quantities helps to remove toxins
Drinking a glass of water before every meal helps in weight reduction.

Water regulates body temperature and boosts the immunity of body.
Hot or Cold ..... Water is beneficial
Water can be taken as cold water as well as hot water.In different temperatures water provides different benefits.

Cold Water not only quenches thirst but also relieves tiredness, fatigue ,vomiting sensation and is effective in reducing alcohol intoxication.
Hot Water on the other hand is very effective in good digestion , relieves hunger, removes hiccoughs , helps in bladder cleaning and relieves sore throat and breathlessness. Warm water consumption eases discomforts caused due to bronchitis and arthritis.
Best Ways For Water Intake
To avail the maximum benefit of water the most holistic way to intake water is , every morning drink the water stored in copper vessel overnight On  storing water in copper container water gets ionised which destroys  unwanted bacteria and viruses are destroyed. In ancient times the yogi’s used to carry water stored in copper pots called “Kamandal .Scientists believe copper vessels kill
harmful  bacteria which causes food poisoning .

Make your water intake more delicious more refreshing with these water Recipes :
Take fresh Fruits and Veges ...Dip them in water and refrigerate for hours ...
Pineapple Strawberry Water
Cucumber Lemon Water
Cucumber Melon Water

Strawberry Tulsi Water
Lemon Mint Water
Lemon Tulsi Water
Orange Mint Water

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Lonicera Caprifolium ....

A vigorous , fragrant climber found in woodlands , on the edges of forests .The petals , reddish outside and white inside , turn yellow on pollination.

Emotional Group : "Insufficient interest in present circumstances"

Key Indications : Nostalgia, Homesickness, living in past

  • Dwelling over past , lives on past relations and conditions.
  • Doesn't enjoy the present moment because lives in the memories of past.
  • Present is Void, looses interest in present.
  • Regret lost opportunities.
  • Carries the dead weight of the past.
  • Feels can never achieve what he had in the past, feels future can never be as beautiful as past
  • Struck with depressing thoughts of past.
  • Dwells on lost love relationships. 
Positivity Expected is :
  • Letting go of the past
  • Trusts in present and move forward in life .
  • Increases adaptability
  • Gratitude for previous happiness.
  • Understands that change is bound to happen and is for good.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

WhiteChestnut – Mind preoccupied with sad thoughts , wants to get rid but can not
Clematis -- Mind preoccupied by day dreaming
Honeysuckle -- Mind preoccupied  by past memories.

Honey Suckle

"Homoepathic Remedies and Honeysuckle  By Dr Rohit : 

Carbo animalis: Dwelling on past, homesickness, gloomy mental state, consciousness appears to be overshadowed by black cloud, general lack of vitality, coldness of body, weakness.

Phosphoric Acid: Grief and apathy after experience of loss or disappointment in love, homesickness with silent moroseness, sense of stagnation in mind/emotions and body, lack of vitality.

Igantia : Grief and mourning of loss after high expectations have been shattered, romantic disappointments, homesickness and longing for the past, frequent sighing, chronic fatigue syndrome, excessive sleepiness after grief.

Mag Mur: Longing for peace and happiness, homesickness, cannot tolerate quarrels and disharmony in environment, feels as if suddenly aged, as if youth is lost, passive and depressed.

Aurum Met : Longing to see one’s relatives, to experience again former happiness, sadness at loss of affection of friends, depression and suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Mercurius : Homesickness, especially at night, with anxiety and perspiration, longing for the structural safety and happiness of the past, as the present seems threatened.

Kali Phos: Exhaustion from overwork, with homesickness and longing for shelter, listless and despondent, chronic fatigue syndrome."

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra