Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bach Remedies for Hyperacidity

Elm+Oak, and Olive+Vervain :

For People  in  positions  of great  responsibility 
ELM: Overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility, Temporary loss of confidence, Elm people are those who are successful and carrying out work they believe in, sometimes a temporary feeling of inadequacy may resulting in despondency,
OAK: Remedy for strong ,steady people who do not give up under adversity, have high determination and never rest until exhaustion. Many people rely on them and their sense of duty is strong. They get frustrated and unhappy if they are force to perform less due to exhaustion or illness.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends
VERVAIN: Perfectionists with keen sense of justice. Extreme mental energy.. Their enthusiasm is infectious, strongly persuade others for their own point of view. To quell over-enthusiasm: tends to restore equilibrium and relax the tension.

Gorse,+Olive+Willow :

For People who are frustrated with their problems and cannot seem to find solutions

GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.
OLIVE: Mental and physical exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Beech+Willow :

For people easily prone to anger

BEECH Ppl who feel the need to see more good and beauty all around. They are intolerant of difference. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given .Intolerance of any shortcomings, which turns them very critical and judgemental
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour. 

Holly+Willow :

For those jealous and suspicious of others

HOLLY: Thought of as a remedy for anger. Very negative , aggressive feelings directed at others.
WILLOW: They feel that others are unfair. Try to always judge others. Never satisfied. When bitterness manifests itself in the form of aggressive behaviour.

Agrimony +Gorse :

For sensitive  and frustrated people

AGRIMONY: For people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness Friends are often the last to know that something is wrong. Putting on a cheerful face to hide problems. Sensitive, yet troubled inside.
GORSE: For relatively mild downheartedness . Hopelessness and despair, pessimism.

Wild oat +Wild Rose :

For depressed people
WILD OAT: It's a remedy of people who feel they want to do something worth while. They drift from one thing to another. They become frustrated, dissatisfied with current lifestyle, can’t decide which path to follow.
WILD ROSE: Have no interest in life, Have no mood for anything, have stopped eating. Have lost hopes, have left themselves , adjust with everything .

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

WATER CURE ....Importance Of Adequate Hydration

"Water is the softest thing , yet it can penetrate mountains and earth . This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness." ..................Lao Tzu

Water, One of the important element out of five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, Mental)  that represents the fluid matter. The protector of the body, the one that provides the basic nourishment.

Drinking plenty of water is beneficial for healthy glowing skin, A well hydrated skin doesn’t get wrinkles and proper moisturising avoids dryness of skin and helps to look it younger of long time. Drinking plenty of water help to reduce dark circles.

For Good Digestion and Proper Assimilation of nutrients it’s very important to consume ample amount of water. For proper metabolism and proper expulsion of waste, water in sufficient amount is needed. Drinking adequate amount of water eases Bowel Movement and Relieves Constipation.

Drinking plenty of water also reduces the risk of heart diseases because proper hydration maintains the viscosity of blood and plasma.
Drinking lot of water help to eliminate these toxins from body. Drinking water regularly in large quantities helps to remove toxins
Drinking a glass of water before every meal helps in weight reduction.

Water regulates body temperature and boosts the immunity of body.
Hot or Cold ..... Water is beneficial
Water can be taken as cold water as well as hot water.In different temperatures water provides different benefits.

Cold Water not only quenches thirst but also relieves tiredness, fatigue ,vomiting sensation and is effective in reducing alcohol intoxication.
Hot Water on the other hand is very effective in good digestion , relieves hunger, removes hiccoughs , helps in bladder cleaning and relieves sore throat and breathlessness. Warm water consumption eases discomforts caused due to bronchitis and arthritis.
Best Ways For Water Intake
To avail the maximum benefit of water the most holistic way to intake water is , every morning drink the water stored in copper vessel overnight On  storing water in copper container water gets ionised which destroys  unwanted bacteria and viruses are destroyed. In ancient times the yogi’s used to carry water stored in copper pots called “Kamandal .Scientists believe copper vessels kill
harmful  bacteria which causes food poisoning .

Make your water intake more delicious more refreshing with these water Recipes :
Take fresh Fruits and Veges ...Dip them in water and refrigerate for hours ...
Pineapple Strawberry Water
Cucumber Lemon Water
Cucumber Melon Water

Strawberry Tulsi Water
Lemon Mint Water
Lemon Tulsi Water
Orange Mint Water

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Lonicera Caprifolium ....

A vigorous , fragrant climber found in woodlands , on the edges of forests .The petals , reddish outside and white inside , turn yellow on pollination.

Emotional Group : "Insufficient interest in present circumstances"

Key Indications : Nostalgia, Homesickness, living in past

  • Dwelling over past , lives on past relations and conditions.
  • Doesn't enjoy the present moment because lives in the memories of past.
  • Present is Void, looses interest in present.
  • Regret lost opportunities.
  • Carries the dead weight of the past.
  • Feels can never achieve what he had in the past, feels future can never be as beautiful as past
  • Struck with depressing thoughts of past.
  • Dwells on lost love relationships. 
Positivity Expected is :
  • Letting go of the past
  • Trusts in present and move forward in life .
  • Increases adaptability
  • Gratitude for previous happiness.
  • Understands that change is bound to happen and is for good.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

WhiteChestnut – Mind preoccupied with sad thoughts , wants to get rid but can not
Clematis -- Mind preoccupied by day dreaming
Honeysuckle -- Mind preoccupied  by past memories.

Honey Suckle

"Homoepathic Remedies and Honeysuckle  By Dr Rohit : 

Carbo animalis: Dwelling on past, homesickness, gloomy mental state, consciousness appears to be overshadowed by black cloud, general lack of vitality, coldness of body, weakness.

Phosphoric Acid: Grief and apathy after experience of loss or disappointment in love, homesickness with silent moroseness, sense of stagnation in mind/emotions and body, lack of vitality.

Igantia : Grief and mourning of loss after high expectations have been shattered, romantic disappointments, homesickness and longing for the past, frequent sighing, chronic fatigue syndrome, excessive sleepiness after grief.

Mag Mur: Longing for peace and happiness, homesickness, cannot tolerate quarrels and disharmony in environment, feels as if suddenly aged, as if youth is lost, passive and depressed.

Aurum Met : Longing to see one’s relatives, to experience again former happiness, sadness at loss of affection of friends, depression and suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Mercurius : Homesickness, especially at night, with anxiety and perspiration, longing for the structural safety and happiness of the past, as the present seems threatened.

Kali Phos: Exhaustion from overwork, with homesickness and longing for shelter, listless and despondent, chronic fatigue syndrome."

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra

Saturday, 9 June 2012


Ilex Aquifolium....

A tree or shrub with glossy evergreen leaves and brilliant red berries , growing in woodlands and hedgerows. The male and female flowers are white , slightly fragrant

Emotional Group : "Oversensitive to influences and ideas"

Key Indications : Envy, Jealousy, Suspicion, Anger, Lack of love, Revengeful, Hatred

  • Restless irritation, Short tempered, Loose control easily.
  • Easily annoyed if they are hurt or interrupted, threatened or humiliated.
  • Cannot see others success, jealous and envious
  • Explosive , uncontrollable anger
  • Competitive attitude, revengeful , suspicious.
  • Unfriendly, highly dissatisfied and no reason for restlessness.
  • Abusive at times.
  • Defends himself strongly , shouts in anger
Positivity Expected is :
  • Understanding and forgiving
  • Considerations for others
  • Tolerance, inner peace
  • kindness and compassion develops

Homeopathic Remedies and Holly By Dr Rohit :

Nitricum Acid : Hatred, especially for those who offended, unmoved by apologies, revengeful, hateful envy, dissatisfied and irritable, sensitive to sensory impressions such as noise, light, and touch.

Lachesis : Irrational jealousy, even brutal from jealousy, hatred and suspicion, dissatisfied, not motivated, overly excited and loquacious, migraines.

Lycopodium : Feels easily threatened in matters of Honor and self-image, extreme jealousy on slight provocation, can be haughty in response, seeks power, is competitive and envious, migraines, hypertension.

Apis Mel : Jealousy, rage, vexation, and grief, complaints from celibacy, irritable and hard to please, may attempt to stifle aggressiveness within.

Staphisagria : Intense feelings of indignation from being treated unfairly, jealousy and vexations, aggressive feelings may be held in check, sudden outbursts of rage.

Ipecacuanha : Envious, vexed and dissatisfied, ailments from reserved displeasure, jealousy, desires to be satisfied, but does not know how.

Nux vomica: Jealousy driving to insult or brutality, executive irritability, easily vexed from having overly exacting attitude, competitive.

Hyoscyamus : Intense jealousy and suspicion, urge to kill, ailments from disappointed love, loquacity, gossipping, lewd language from sexual inclination.

Medorrhinum: Jealous disposition from intensity of emotions and need for experiences of passion, aggressiveness and cruelty, migraines, great irritability.

Stramonium : Rage and violence to the point of killing someone, accuses spouse of infidelity, intense jealousy, feels neglected by spouse, gossipping, heightened, hyperactive nervousness.

Natrum Mur : Hatred, resentment, especially after vexations have been submerged, long-lasting, unforgiving attitude, jealousy, easily offended, vulnerable, heightened nervousness.

Cicuta : Hatred and suspicion, over excitement of nervous system, childishness, mental retardation, lack of clarity of reason, easily aroused feelings of hatred and disinclination to polite acceptance of others.

Hepar sulphur: Stiff with family, angry outbursts, revengeful, extremely sensitive to outside stimulation such as noise, touch, light, every minor impact creates pain and irritability, with the urge to fight or strike out, extremely affected by cold.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Calluna Vulgaris ....
Flowers July to September , with mauve pink and occasionally white flowers.

Emotional Group : "Loneliness"

Key Indications : Self Concern , Self Centred , Selfish

  • Self Centered and Obssesed by own troubles and concerns.
  • Want others to listen to his problemsas they are the most important of all.
  • A child willing to hold on to everything, seeks others attention.
  • Always talks about himslef no time to listen to others.
  • They are very bad listners.
  • Talkative Hypochondria , alwys talks about their own concerns.
  • They often make mountain out of a mole-hill. They present every small problem as the most verse situation .
  • Sympathy greedy, do not like to stay alone, always seek company so that they can express their problemas.
  • Talks in minute details.
  • They seek 100% attention of the listner otherwise they get highly annoyed.

Positivity Expected is :
  • Learn to listen to others, show more patience.
  • Understand others and  give importance to their problems as well.
  • Become quite and selfless.
  • Sympathise and help others
  • Defocus from own self and own concerns.

Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Vervain–  Loquacity due to enthusiasm.
Cherry Plum – Loquacity due to impulsiveness and instablemind.
Agrimony  –Loquacity due to restlessness and attempt to overcome worries by communication.
Willow – Gossiping and blaming others.

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Homeopathic Remedies and Heather By Dr Rohit :

Lachesis : Cheerful loquacity, ecstasy, jesting, increased verbal flow after mental exertion, makes speeches, loquacity from aroused emotions such as suspicion, jealousy, hatred.

Argentum Met : Rapid loquacity, appears to talk of unimportant matter, concerned with minor trifles, hurried, restless mind, alternating moods, loquacity changes to sadness.

Cimicifuga : Extroverted and forceful, overly excitable, loquacity with jumping from subject to subject, frequent sighing, hysteria and changeable mood.

Argentum Nit : Nervous hypochondriasis, even wakes others in the night to talk of symptoms, talks of own suffering constantly, oriented toward single subject, nervous apprehension, needs reassurance.

Hepar sulphur: Overly excited and overwrought, self-centered focus on own suffering and refusal to listen to others, pleading and complaining over relatively minor causes.

Sabadilla: Hypochondriacal preoccupation with symptoms and imaginary diseases, inner urge to discuss details with others, even wakes others in the night, agitation, hysterical manifestations after fright.

Nux vomica: Hypochondriacal loquacity, emphasis on own symptoms, greatly affected by minor ailments, reproaches others, fault-finding, executive-like style, nervously irritable.

Ammonium Carb : Complaining and prostration from trifles, yet, talking aggravates complaints, tendency to get excited when talking of the unfairness or unkindness received by others, prone to reveal the secrets of others, weepy and unreasonable.

Phosphorus: Talking and enjoyment of social interaction, clairvoyance, superficial interaction, gives, but also expects sympathy, attention-seeking.

Natrum Mur : Pleasure in own talking, yet prolonged conversation in regard to social problems or personal, actually worsens own state, vulnerability, internal grief, aversion to consolation.

Cocculus : Talks rapidly and almost exclusively of cares and worries, excessively overwrought mind and nervousness from loss of sleep, can be due to care of sick loved ones, worries about own health and the health of the patient.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra


Ulex Europaeus ....
Native to Europe , growing on stony ground and heath lands. Fragrant yellow flowers from February to June.

Emotional Group : "Uncertainty"

Key Indications : Resignation and despair , Uncertainty of purpose, Hesitant, hopeless.

  • Lack of confidence in doctors and medicines when sick.
  • Too much of depression, They think of darkness all around , gloomy , think nothing can be improved ever.
  • Just because others say patient undergo treatment but himself has no hope of getting cured.
  • Total loss of hope, so doesn't even wish to correct things.
  • For future also he is totally hopeless.
  • Repeated failures and unsuccessful efforts because of total loss of faith .
  • Negativity is deep rooted that he is least willing to make any efforts.
  • Uncertainty in everything.
Positivity Expected is :
  • Gains hope and faith.
  • Optimism sets in., motivated to improve his conditions.
  • Unshakable self confidence.
  • Restores faith in himself and in circumstances and puts efforts
  • recovers well from depression.
Comparison with other Bach Remedies :

Gorse– Hopelessness in everything.
Oak – Full of hope even in adverse situations.
Larch  – No confidence in themselves.
Scleranthus-- Unsteady mind , always unsure of things/ acts.
Gentian--Dejection , " I can never be cured".

Homeopathic Remedies  And Gorse  By Dr Rohit :

Alumina: Stagnation of emotions and of physical functions, with feelings of resignation and despair of recovery, suicidal ideation, debility, lack of vital heat.

Ars Album: May resort to hopelessness in regard to recovery, disbelief in efficiency of Remedies, generally feels threatened by the possibility of a breakdown in health or in the security and order of life, once a breakdown has occurred, general debility, irritability.

Calc Carb : Overwork creates state of fearful apprehension and despondency, particularly, there is fear of becoming insane in face of the pressures, with advancing illness in mind and body, there is despair of recovery, low vitality.

Psorinum: General pessimism and negativity, feels forsaken and hopeless, especially during illness, suicidal disposition, lowered vitality, great chilliness, falls ill frequently, offensives odour's.

Syphilinum: Feels disintegration in mind and body and despair of recovery during illness, compulsive measures to avoid contamination and counteract negative expectancy, prostration.

Lycopodium : Fearful and hopeless in face of new endeavours, anticipates failure, yet may try to portray image of courage, despair of recovery in illness, may appear strong-willed , poor circulation.

Helleborus : Censorial deprivation and apathetic hopelessness, remorse, sighs involuntarily, slurred speech, may come on after head injury, stroke, lowered vitality.

Ignatia : Hopelessness after expectations have been dashed, frequent sighing from grief, locked up, deeply buried emotions, lack of emotional release leads to cramping and spasms in the body.

Aurum sulph : Profound despair of recovery, depression and loathing of life, aversion to company, weariness, constant nodding of head.

Bryonia alba: Refuses to engage in social interaction, with apathy and hopelessness in regard to outcome of illness, concerned about business, physical weakness, dryness.

Reff :- Bach Flower Therapy , Mechthild Scheffer
Bach Flower Remedies , D.S. Vohra